

什么像什么造句 2023-09-19 16:14 224 墨鱼


⊙^⊙ 第二训练:语法关,语法错误是考研英语写作的扣分项,21天写作训练营,晓艳老师将带着大家学习,写作常见的语法错误。第三训练:句子关,21天写作训练营会发布紧扣考1、no longer 不再例句:Mike doesn't want to wait for her no longer.译文:迈克不想再等待她了。例句:Mary no longer lives with her parents.译文:玛丽不再同她的父母一起

>▽< 大家学语法是为什么?,最通俗的说法就是-造句英语的句子是由单词组成的,而语法就是单词排列的规则,当然我也并非不务实的人,我给自己定了切实的计划:每天至少听一篇VOA慢速英语。于是,一整个暑假,我都

I am no longer a kid Time lost will return no more She doesn't go any more, but she used to go twice a week I'm not going to let my parents control my f突然弥尔顿所用的文学风格,不再是这个胜利的古典颂歌。关于不再的英文短语的双语例句1. She had stopped nagging him about never being home. 她不再不停地

no longer意思是“不再”,它一般修饰延续性动词,表示某个动作或状态不再延续下去。例句:These conditions no longer obtain.这些条件不再适用。Food shortages are no longer a表示不再的英文:no longer; not any more.例句:Many young people no longer feel they have a stake in society. 很多年轻人不再觉得他们与社会休戚相关。扩展资料新政策不再把重

1用"不再"造句.英语的.简单一点的.初中水平的.用这几个造句.no longerno morenot any morenot any longer 2 用"不再"造句.英语的. 简单一点的.初中水平的. 用这几个造句. no造句(英语造句)I can't afford to buy it. 我买不起。He no longer *** okes. 他不再吸菸了I always take pride in your excellent performance. 我总


标签: 停止做某事造句英语



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