

abuild-upof 2022-12-26 12:10 737 墨鱼


Noun There is a big traffic buildup on the highway. You should clean the mechanism regularly to prevent buildup of dirt. Both players were given big buildups before Build Up Inside the Body - Simple Anatomy bladderThe organ inside the body of a person, where urine is stored before it leaves the body. boneThe hard parts inside a human or animal t

ˋ^ˊ buildup 也作build-upn.(名词)The act or process of amassing or increasing:增加,增强:增加或增强的行为过程:例句:a military buildup; a buildup of tension during the build up 读音汉语翻译树立,增进,增大,堵塞【化】提升力英语解释:名词build up: the act of building up an accumulation 同义词:buildup the result of the process o

4. A. He helped Doris build up the furniture. B. Doris helped him arrange the furniture. C. Doris fixed up some of the bookshelves. D. He was good at assembling bookshebuild-up英音:['bildʌp] 美音:['bildʌp] 1.增进,增强,增长;使增大2.(逐渐)积聚,集结,积累;逐步)建立3.树立;确立(信誉) 4.锻炼;增进)健康,增强)体格;5.吹捧6.堆墨;堆积7.内建的相关短

build-up (n.) alsobuildup, 1927, "accumulation of positive publicity," frombuild(v.) +up(adv.). Of any accumulation (but especially military) from 1943. 双语例句1. If youbuildmore p35. Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his___. A. energy B. strength C. force D. power36. Over the past decades, sea ice ___in th


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