
todo和doing放句首的题,to do可以放在句首吗

to doing的用法 2022-12-24 15:06 966 墨鱼
to doing的用法

todo和doing放句首的题,to do可以放在句首吗

doing/to do 练习题1.I usually go ___ with my mother at weekends. A. shop B. to shop C. shopping 2.He is not old enough ___ to school. A. to go B. go C. goingstopdoingsth。停止做某事stoptodosth。停下往来做某事forget/rememberdoingsth。忘掉)记得做过某事forget/remembertodosth.(忘掉)记着去做某事trytodosth

A.do B.did C.doing D 6、todo( )2.Youdbetter_upstairsandtellthechildren_makesomuchnoise.A.go;notto B.go;dont C.togo;notto D.togo;dont( )3.Lilylikes-Yes.We’llgoScienceMuseum.gowheredowhat)11.Wewhenleavewhenleaves)12.MeimeiwentherChinese.ourhealth.DoingeyeexercisesbedearlyEatingtoomuch)14.WuDong

句首用动词do/ doing/ to do 开头1. 你有没有被这样的题困惑过呢?(2013 河南中招) 34. Do you want to be healthy? ___. Smiling can help you stay healthy. A. Smile 17. You are never too young ___(start) doing things. 18. Don’t forget ___(clean) your bed. 19. People would like ___(do) such jobs. 20. It’s easy for a child __

●ω● 六年级每个单元都会穿插一些to do和doing以及do的题目,整理了一下,作为提升巩固。基本小朋友扣分的点也在于这个知识点上面掌握秘诀知识梳理+做题巩固+错题再练#译林英语#英语to do 是不定式,doing是分词.前者要用动词原形,后者根据句子主语的主动被动关系可以选择现在分词和过去分词. 20932 请问下to do 和doing在句首的用法,to do


标签: to do可以放在句首吗



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