

sweep用英语怎么说 2023-12-15 11:05 394 墨鱼


sweep造句复制1、Robots have already been used to help peoplesweepup the houses, cook meals, look after their babies and so on.(机器人早已被用于帮助人们打扫房屋1.Sweep the crumbs off the table; Sweep under the bed.打扫桌子上的面包屑;打扫床底下。来源:dj.iciba 2.Will you sweep the dust from the carpets?你

19. His mother made him sweep the floor every day. 他母亲要他每天扫地板。20. With a sweep of his sword he cut through the rope. 他用剑一挥把绳子砍断了。21. He h单词sweep 例句大全,用单词sweep造句:A beam of lightsweepover each still life. 一束光从摆放的静物身上依次扫过。take up a broom and begin tosweepthe floor 抄起扫帚

It's difficult to find sweep in a sentence. 用sweep造句挺难的The method swept america law schools .这种方法普及于美国的法律学校。It swept europe, but not german1、Let'ssweep awaythe broken glass. 2、tosweep away; to clean up 3、People visit their ancestors' Graves tosweep awaythe dirt. 4、Police may regular

19、Sweep the floor andsweepthe ground, withoutsweeping the floor. 20、Just as wesweepour rooms, so we shouldsweepbackward ideas from our minds. 21sweep的用法3:sweep的宾语多是“房间”“地”等被清扫物,如接被清扫掉的灰尘、泥土,则常在sweep后加副词away、out等。sweep的用法4:sweep用作名词时的基本意思是“打扫,清扫


标签: 用wood造句



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