
have a talent of,have a talent in doing sth

a talent for 2023-12-04 20:07 911 墨鱼
a talent for

have a talent of,have a talent in doing sth

have a talent for造句have a talent for 1、She is proud that both her children have a talent for music. 她为自己的两个孩子都有音乐天赋而自豪。2、You have a talent解析have a talent for doing sth.在某些方面有才能.这个是常用搭配.have a talent of 用的很少的.结果一题目have a talent for have a talent of 的区别答案have a tal

have a talent for doing sth.在某些方面有才能.这个是常用搭配.have a talent of 用的很少的.解析have a talent for doing sth.在某些方面有才能.这个是常用搭配. have a talent of 用的很少的. 分析总结。haveatalentof用的很少的结果一题目have a talent for hav

最全的雅思口语part 1 Stand out 突出,显眼Have a talent for…对……有天赋Get a kick out of ……对……特感…blog.sina.cn|基于2个网页3. 有…的才干You have a talent in composition. 你在写作方面有特长。composition 除了指“作文”之外,还可以指“作词作曲”。因此,You have a talent in composition. 也可以是“你在

Only later did she discover a talent for writing. 她后来才发现自己的写作天分。These children have a huge reserve of latent talent. 这些孩子蕴藏着极大的潜在天赋。Youhave a talent formusic.───你有音乐方面的天赋。He said he had a talent for it as another mighthave a talent forthe building of bridges.───他说他有这项天

talent表示天才,也就是有才能的人时,还有某项才能时是可数的。表示统称的天赋,才能时是不可数的。have a lot of talent 意思是“有许多才能或/天赋”,此时talehave a dread of 畏惧…相似单词talent n. 1.[U,C] 天才;天资;天赋2.[U,C] 有才能的人;人才;天才3.[U](统称)性感的人have a glass too much 意为“喝醉”have a bee in one's bonnet 一心


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