

cope造句 2023-12-02 19:48 532 墨鱼


1. We need to define the task ahead very clearly.我们需要明确今后的任务。2. It depends on how you define theIt's difficult to seedefinein a sentence. 用define造句挺难的Their contexts of usage should be carefullydefined. 它们的应用范围要谨慎规定。Rape can bedefinedsoci

+△+ They disagreed on how to define“liberal”. 他们对如何解释“liberal”一词的词义有不同意见。He would never define himself as a workaholic. 他从来没有把自己定义为1. Please listen while I define your duties. 在我规定你的职责时,请仔细听好. 2. Please define the words. 请准确地解释这些字的意义. 3. It's hard to define exactly w

╯ω╰ 单词Define 例句大全,用单词Define造句:Acute pain isdefined as pain of recent onset and probable limited duration. 急性疼痛是指近期产生且持续时间较短的疼痛。The j1、How todefineusability? 2、defineintercultural competence. 3、E. Bridgesdefinebroadcast domain while switchesdefinecollision domains. 4、Well, tha

常用短语:define sth as sth 将某事定义为某事well defined 明确定义了的例句:配音频,来跟读哦!: The task will be clear defined by the tutor. 这个任define的短语搭配define as 定义为;界定为define policy 定义政策define type 定义类型define scope 定义范围define function 定义函数define relationship 定义关系d


标签: Diversify造句



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