
make for造句,put aside造句

on the make造句 2023-09-30 20:14 135 墨鱼
on the make造句

make for造句,put aside造句

make for造句复制1、Though badly damaged by fire, the bus tried tomake forits garage.(这辆车虽被大火严重烧坏,仍努力开回车库。2、You lock yourself in the prisonmake for 美英na.有利于;对…有益;倾向于;支持网络走向;向…前进;有助于第三人称单数:makes for现在分词:making for过去式:made for 同义词v. head for,aim for,approac

单词make 是非常常见的动词,它对应的短语动词也不是很多,其中make for 平时的出镜率很低。一、意为”促成,造就“,用于非正式的场合,例如:Everyone agreed that filming insi1、Imake forthe woods! 2、A token charge ismake forheating. 3、Does early risingmake forgood health? 4、Many times people make a face for me that th

例句:The same principle may make for smoother writing.这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。The job's absolutely make for you.这工作完全适合你做。make sth fomake for造句1、We willmakeforyou ornaments of gold With beads of silver." 歌1:11我们要为你编上金辫、镶上银钉。2、An Enhanced Version ofMAKEforMaintaining Softw

make up for───补偿,弥补双语使用场景They are pulling down those houses to make for a new airport.───为了造新机场,他们正在拆除那些房子. Constant arguing doemake for造句make for造句如下:1、I make for the woods! 2、A token charge is make for heating. 3、Does early rising make for good health? 4、Many times people mak


标签: put aside造句



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