
pay for the money,pay for和pay…for的区别

pay的短语和例句 2023-12-06 18:57 475 墨鱼

pay for the money,pay for和pay…for的区别

Find the money to pay for school. We’re the place to go to find the scholarships, information and resources that will help you make the most of your post-seconda例:I found the perfect dress, but I had to pay through the nose for it. 我找到了一件完美的衣服,但我不得不为它付出高昂的代价。生活中,哪儿都需要money,英语中关于money的习

(=`′=) pay for sth 例句:Where should we pay for them?我们应该在哪付款?pay的用法1、释义vt. 支付,付;偿还,补偿money;说到“买一送一”,可不要说buy one and send one,容易误解成“买一个,买家还送给卖家一个”,一般说buy on and get one free;看到外国商店写着on the house,翻译成“在房

pay表示:付钱给某人而收钱的一定是人如果你说pay money, 就变成money收钱钱收钱了所以付钱说个“pay”就足矣了!I mustpayher. 我应该付她钱。Ipaythem by the hour. 我按小这个短语的真正意思是:付费过高;花太高代价I found the perfect dress, but I had to pay through the nose for it.我找到了一件完美的衣服,但我不得不为它付出高昂的代价。接

>^< 那么“付钱”就可以直接,用一个pay就表示了。01、“付10块钱”应该怎么翻译?正确的结构应该是pay + 钱数pay ¥10 例句:①I heard Jack only pays $1,000 per month for his renEnglish Presentation - □ Wrap them up. (请把衣服)包好。□Pay the money.付款。□ Get the change. 取回零钱。|基于1 个网页例句释

Pay词义解析:1.to give money to someone for something you want to buy or for services provided 付费;付酬How much did you pay for the products? 你买那些商品花了多少钱?老外最常用的英文短语pay money for (to) 释义:pay money for (to) 为……进行支付具体说明支付的费用多少,在pay for 的pay 和for 之间加上金额就可以了。例句:I pai


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