
May I have some ice cream,some ice cream

yes I do 2023-09-30 09:34 106 墨鱼
yes I do

May I have some ice cream,some ice cream

∩ω∩ D. George’s mom thinks ice-cream is healthy. 四、词汇运用(每空1分,共10分) 1.There are some (strawberry) on the plate. 2.I have some (salad) for dinner. 3.Do y中文请给我些冰淇淋好吗英语翻译May I have some ice cream, please涉及到:CET4单词(6), #考研单词(7), #高考单词(6), #GMAT单词(1), CET4:May, ice, may

515. I’ll have some ice cream. 我要冰淇淋。516. Do you want some fruit? 你要水果吗?517. Yes, please. I want an APPle. 是的,我要一个苹果。518. AnythHave you got ice cream? 6.A.Yes,I have. B.No,I am not. C.No,I have ice cream. What's your favourite vegetables? 7.A.H amburgers. B.Carrots. C.Eggs

●△● can i have some ice cream是对的,意为“我能要点儿冰淇淋吗”。解析:can在这里用作情态动词,意思是“能,能够”may i have an ice cream发音意思翻译我可以吃冰淇淋吗相似词语短语an ice cream───一个冰淇淋may i have───我可以吗I have an───我有一个ice cream──

网络吃一个冰激凌;吃冰淇淋;吃一个冰淇淋网络释义1. 吃一个冰激凌牛津英语小学毕业复习资料- 豆丁网go home 回家have an ice cream吃一个冰激凌11 have dinner 吃饭【答案】May I have an ice cream?【核心短语/词汇】ice cream:冰淇淋【翻译】我可以吃一个冰淇淋吗?【解析】根据题干要求,写出下列句子的问句或答语,观察句子发现以情态动词

D. Visiting some museums and famous places in different cities. 20. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Mr. Bell was on holiday last June. B. Mr. Bell stayed May I have ___ ice cream?A.anB.a 相关知识点:试题来源:解析考查不定冠词.由题,ice为元音音素开头的单词,搭配不定冠词要用an.a要用辅音音素开头的单词搭配使用.故选:A.反


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