
put up造句,put up造句简单带翻译

wenttodosth造句 2023-02-26 21:07 884 墨鱼

put up造句,put up造句简单带翻译

【解析】1.build;construct建造;搭起They are putting up several new buildings inthat block.他们正在那一街区建几幢楼房。Several tents have been put up to accommodateput up的正确读音为:put #652;p put up的意思为:张帖,举起,建造等. 用put up造句如下:My father was putting up a new fence atour home. put up造句例二:He'd put up a

put ʌp put up的意思为:张帖,举起,建造等. 用put up造句如下:My father was putting up a new fence at our home. put up造句例二:He'd put up a real fight to keep us 单词put up 例句大全,用单词put up造句:A poster with all the rules was thenput upbeside the blackboard. 在黑板旁边贴了有所有规章的一副海报。And besides, you invit

∪0∪ 42、Theyhaveputupthemachineryreadyforbroadcast.他们已经建造台机器准备广播。43、putup造句:44、put: 45、They'reputtingnewstreetsignsup. 46、Theteachput up造句1、And Jehovah commanded the angel, and he put up his sword again into its sheath.耶和华吩咐使者,他就收刀入鞘。2、They also helped us to put up dykes

put up造句:1、Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections.抗议者们已英汉互译:put up(张贴)如何造句相关知识点:解析We put up the advertisementon the wall.我们把广告张贴在墙上.He put up the map on the desk.他把地图贴在桌上. 反馈收藏


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