
are连读,they are连读怎么发音

where are连读 2022-12-25 01:28 906 墨鱼
where are连读

are连读,they are连读怎么发音

连读1、“辅音+元音”型连读(异性相吸)如:I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice.I’m~anThose和are连读是z 与a:连读连读的条件是前一个单词辅音结尾后一个单词是元音开头,那么这个辅音和元音就一起连读。

For another 连读one I 连读If department stores are best 如果在百货商店最好不过了department t省音stores are连读They said there would be delays 无there 与is 连读为theris [ðєә ris] there与are 连读为therare[ðєә ra] 连读与不完全爆破规则短文、对话都是由一个个句子组成的,会读单个句子,也就会

如there are 读作'?e?r?,如:They looked for it here and there.这个句子也有两处连读:前一处是for it 合读为/frit/,后一处是here and 合读为/hirnd/。小结:连读的条件:连读:He (y)asked 正常:They are 连读:They (y)are 正常:I answer 连读:I (y)answer 正常:She is happy 连读:She (y)is happy 当一个单词最后的音标是/o/、u/、aʊ/,而后面的单

ˋ▂ˊ The best things in life 生命中最好的东西best t省音things in连读They are free 往往毫不费力就能得到they are连读完整英文歌教唱,超多会员权益欢迎加连读发音规则一:辅音+元音一句话中相邻的两个单词,前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开始,拼读成“辅音+元音”。讲解:你还记得汉语拼音中有些单词xi'an(西安)、ku'ai(酷爱)


标签: they are连读怎么发音



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