
different from造句,bebadfor造句子

benervousabout的造句 2023-12-10 18:56 964 墨鱼

different from造句,bebadfor造句子

different from造句复制1、Chines New Year isdifferent fromother country's New Year.(中国新年与其他国家的新年不同。2、English names aredifferent fromChinese nam单词different from 释义单词释义:异于…不比[更多..] 单词造句

∩△∩ 4、The same diamond looksdifferent fromdifferent angles. 5、Two factors make Egyptdifferent fromTunisia. 6、But that isdifferent fromfavoritism. 7、类型英语造句1、Chines New Year isdifferent fromother country's New Year.(中国新年与其他国家的新年不同。2、English names aredifferent fromChinese names.(英语的

(#`′)凸 different from a.不同于此短语具有形容词的功能,所以前面加了系动词be,形成了系动词+形容词(作表语)的结构.简单举个例子:My work is different from his.我的different from whom的造句和例句:1. In 2009 he returned to the big screen in " Diverso da Chi ? " ( " Different from Whom ? " ), in which he once again portrayed

>▂< 答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报the weather in winter is different from that in spring冬天的天气和春天不一样解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析用different from造句1. The culture in Japan is different from that in the United States. 2. The taste of Chinese food is different from that of Italian food. 3


标签: bebadfor造句子



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