
keep sth to oneself造句,allow doing sth造句

wait for sb to do sth造句 2023-09-28 10:13 806 墨鱼
wait for sb to do sth造句

keep sth to oneself造句,allow doing sth造句

网络把某物留给自己网络释义1. 把某物留给自己oneself的中文翻译,ones to hurt oneself 伤了自己to keep sth for oneself把某物留给自己to talk to oneself 自言自keep sth to oneself 是保守秘密,对秘而不宣.1,Don't keep the news to yourself;let's all share it.不要只管自己知道这消息,让我们也知道吧.2,I'll tell y

keep sth to oneself的发音:sorry,there is no keep sth to oneself's voice. 单词解释不让他人分享与keep sth to oneself 相关的例句Healwayskeeps thesadnesstohimself访问沪江小D查看keep sth to oneself的更多详细解释> 参考例句Keep(sth/oneself)under control;keep within limits;hold back控制(某事物[自己]);抑制;克制1 2 〈〉常用

解析keep sth.to oneself不与人交往;保守某事;保守秘密;不告诉别人造句:I will be very happy if you can keep this secrecy to her. 分析总结。加中文解释扫码下载作业帮keep sth to oneself发音意思翻译不让他人分享;保密相似词语短语keep to oneself───v.保守秘密,不交际;杜门不出;落落寡交;保守秘密;不交际help oneself to sth

(°ο°) 您的名字:您的性别:男女出生日期:姓名详批重新填写[直译] 对某事保密[详尽释义] 1. 不把某事告诉别人2. 但请为我们保密3. 不让他人分享4. 保守秘密KEEP STH TO ONE- John is a private person and likes to keep his personal life to himself.(约翰是一个私人,喜欢把自己的私生活留给自己。用“keep sth to oneself”这个短语有时候可

keep sth to oneself 一般是表示保守秘密,比如:would keep this to yourself 你能保守这个秘密吗?keep sth for oneself表示为某人保留某样东西,如:I will keepon造句keep sb out of造句keep sb up造句keep sth from造句keep sth in mind造句keep sth on造句keep sth to oneself造句keep to sth造句keep to the beaten track造句lay ba


标签: allow doing sth造句



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