
may 1th怎么读,april 5th英语怎么读

may 4th怎么读 2023-06-14 18:25 803 墨鱼
may 4th怎么读

may 1th怎么读,april 5th英语怎么读

如:He was born on the morning of May 1th.(他出生于五月十日的早晨)/ I usually get up at 7: in the morning.(我通常在早上的七点钟起床) / His glasses ar英文原文:May the first 英式音标:meɪ] [ðə] [fɜːst]美式音标:me] [ðə] [fɝst]

∪﹏∪ 1、A读[ei ]:在重读开音节中tomato[t?’meit?u] baby [‘beibi] paper [‘peip?] famous [‘feim?s] later [‘leit?] radio [‘reidi?u] patient [‘pei??nt] May/mei/:n.(名词)五月eighth/eitθ/:ordinal number(序数词)第八9. May 9(th):May the ninth 5月9日(美式英语) 9(th) May:the ninth of May 5月9日(英式英语) vocabulary:词汇M

英文原文:May the twenty-ninth fifteen forty-three 英式音标:nˈaɪn;iː] 美式音标:nˈaɪfɔːtiːθrˈiː] 6.may 1st怎么读望采纳~ 7.maych 这个单词怎么读?如何表示日期用英语表示日期,其顺序通常为“月+日+年”,日和年之间需用逗号隔开。比如2020年7月1日,用英语就是“July first, 2020”。例句如下:Today is May first, 2021. 今

⊙0⊙ (日和年之间需用逗号隔开) 读作:January the seventeenth, two thousand and two ②日\月\年例:2002年1月17日写作:17(th) January, 2002或the seventeenth of January, 200May,1st,2021:L & F#婚礼跟拍#weddingday 01:50 佳佳学英语~ 01:49 #新知挑战赛请求还是猜测?罗宾老师告诉你更好理解may和might 01:53 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th (1st - 100th)这些

⊙﹏⊙ August 1th, 1927(nineteen twenty seven) 12. October, 1976(nineteen seventy six) 13. May 1th.(读may the first) 14. twelve o'clock 15. half past five May [me] n.五月记忆要点:谐音法→May(读:“媚”) 讲解:“妩(wǔ)”媚。May —5月罗马神话中的女神玛雅,专门司管春天和生命。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字,拉丁文M


标签: april 5th英语怎么读



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