
making a mess,make a mess中文

glad 2023-12-06 23:18 527 墨鱼

making a mess,make a mess中文

∪﹏∪ 伴读牛津树【1-55】Whatamess!伴读⽜津树【1-55】Whatamess!Hello,⼤家好,我是娜塔莉。上⼀节,我们的绘本讲的是宠物店pet shop 的故事。今天,绘本的题⽬是:“What a mess 是“杂乱的,不整洁”的意思What a mess!就是“一团糟!太乱了!”这是个感叹句!看到这样的房间,我们可以怎么说呢?是的,What a mess! 我们来看下封面Look, Each of them is carrying so

Amy: Mum, Tom is making a mess.───艾米:妈妈,汤姆把这里搞得一团糟。Mum, Tom is making a mess.───妈妈,汤姆弄得乱七八糟。That's a good way out of making a me原文(英语): MaKing a mess更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(简体中文)1: 一个烂摊子更多:https://bmcx/ 翻译结果(简体中文)2: 搞砸了更多:https://bmcx/

takingaphoto teaching barbecuing pulling pushing painting running swimming TounderstandthepassageaboutthestormTolearnsomenewwordsandexpressions:storm,wind,light,rmaking a mess.弄得一团糟。shopping for toys. 去买…iask.sina.cn|基于1 个网页3. 的大作中提到水木-职业生涯(making a mess)的大作中提到:】ar.n

Winter Teaser #5 - Mendicant Mystics Making a Mess Wokeg, Juniorest Mid-Level Content Designer Welcome comrades! We've not got anything major on theWhat was Mum doing?妈妈在干嘛呢?Mum was making a dress.妈妈在做连衣裙。让我们看看妈妈面前的桌子上有什么呢?有一台缝纫机,sewing machine,一些线和一些碎布。原来妈妈为展出

I get in the kitchen I'm makin' a mess yeah It's you off the rip If you ain't CG or the set yup All y'all still gotta go you ain't gotta line up It don't matter who nextMaking a Mess Xtasea 专辑:Making a Mess 播放收藏更多歌词复制[展开] 粤ICP备17078037号© 2016 - 腾讯音乐娱乐(深圳)有限公司版权所有|出版物经营许可证:新出发深


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