

with表伴随6种用法简单例句 2023-12-18 22:07 132 墨鱼


with后面的宾语不是纯粹的名词,而是有特定的格式的,with+名词+动词ing形式,比如例句中就是with后跟着He fell asleep with the lamp burning.他没熄灯就睡着了。I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.因为妈妈有病,我无法去度假。5) w

He fell asleep with the lamp burning. 他没熄灯就睡着了。I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill. 因为妈妈有病,我无法去度假。5) with +宾语+ 过去分Progressive joint dysfunction without flare-up can also occur, with or without HEO. Extraskeletal bone formation is permanent and leads to progressive immobility and ne

with是介词,所以后面跟名词或名词性短语.as既是介词又是连词.当as解释是"随着"的时候,是连词,所以as后面要跟一个完整的句子.如:As the sun rose,the fog dispeAs the production increased by 20 percent, we have had another good harvest year. With the production up by 20 percent, we havehad another good harvest year. He e

ゃōゃ with和as表伴随的用法:with是介词,所以后面跟名词或名词性短语。as既是介词又是连词,当as解释是“随着”的时候是With a lot of work to do, he didn’t go to the cinema. 有些动词如make, let, see, watch, hear, feel, have等与不带有to的不定式连用,但改为被动语态时,不定式要加to, 如:


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