
give rise to造句,give rise的词组

sacrifice造句 2023-12-31 13:39 817 墨鱼

give rise to造句,give rise的词组

Give the dough time to rise.给生面团发酵时间。A cross between a greyhound and a collie gives rgive rise to的造句和例句:1. The glad tidings gave rise to thunderous cheers ..喜讯传来,欢声雷动。2. Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumors .她失踪一

╯^╰ 2、The technical advancement wasto give rise toa whole new approach to remote sensing. 3、Of course this is wrong and is sureto give rise tomore trogive rise to造句1. The controversial article gave rise to intense debate among readers. 2. A lack of funding may give rise to significant challenges for the rese

18、With the rise of the cars, your amount of space is occupied by them, which willgive rise tothe inconvenience of our lives. 19、Embryonic stem cel35.There bad condition havegiverisetoa lot of crime. 在那里,恶劣的环境导致了大量的犯罪活动。- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(10)差评() 36.This may cause the bileto

give rise to基本释义give rise to 英[ɡiv raiz tu:] 美[ɡɪv raɪz tu] 引起;使发生;导致姓名分析宝宝起名您的姓名男女出生日期出生时间立即测名give组词造句例句2:Smiling can give rise to feelings of good will.微笑能使人产生良好的感觉。例句3:Overpopulation may give rise to many social security problems.人口过剩会引起许多

give rise to 英[ɡiv raiz tu:] 美[ɡɪv raɪz tu][词典] 造成;引起,导致;造句]Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high bl句子1:Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and complications. 句子2:This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems, including e


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