
face to face,face to face歌词

中年英语短语大全 2024-01-08 23:19 220 墨鱼

face to face,face to face歌词

美英adj.面对面的adv.面对面的[地] 网络面对考官;面对面地;当面同义词反义词adj. head-on,frontal,uncompromising,direct,confrontational 权威英汉双解英汉英英网"face to face" 是一个形容词短语,通常用于描述人们直接面对面交流、沟通或会面的情况。这个短语可以用于商务、教育、医疗、社交等场合。解释"face to face" 的字面意思是

⊙﹏⊙ face to face基本解释面对面;相对网络释义1. 封面2. 当面3. 面对面地4. 面對面5. 面对面的6. 面商7. 面谈8. 迎面9. 面洽10. 面至面face to face的用法和例句提face to face 读音汉语翻译面对面英语解释:形容词face to face: in each other's presence 同义词:face-to-face 副词face to face: involving close contact; confronting

face to face 网络解释1. 面对面的:这包括顾客与接待人员面对面的(Face To Face)试探性问讯,光顾店铺的试用体验,过程中接待人员的态度(外在形象,微笑,职业,热情,诚恳,得体言face-to-faceadj.(形容词)Being in the presence of another; facing:面对面:在其它人面前;面对:例句:a face-to-face discussion.面对面讨论adv.also (副词) also face to fa

face to face 重复播放adv. 面对面地英文解释副词:1. involving close contact; confronting each other; 相似"the boy and the policeman suddenly came face-to-faceface-to-face发音意思翻译adv.面对面地adj.面对面的;当面的相似词语短语face to face───面对面;相对face to face with───与…面对面face───vi.向;朝;n


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