
begin sth,begin加时间

begin do 2023-12-26 22:15 368 墨鱼
begin do

begin sth,begin加时间

英语词汇复习:begin的短语与句式1.begintodosth开始做某事。如:Soonitbegantorain.不久天就开始下雨了。Hesatdownatthedeskandbegantowrite.他在桌子前坐下就开始写了起来begin to do something 和beging doing something都有表示"开始干什么事情"的意思,但是有不同begin doing something特别指很强烈的持续性.比如:He began smoki

∪△∪ begin to do sth. 英美开始做某事分享单词到:vi. 发生;开始;出现(When something begins or when you begin it, it takes place ) 用法:begin - began - begun - beginning begin sth. / begin to do st

begin to do sth和begin doing sth的区别,begintodosth.和begindoingsth.的区别一、一般来说,begintodo和begindoing可以互换;二、但是意思上有细微区别:begindoingsth.开始做某事(但begin with sth发音意思翻译从某事开始相似词语短语begin with───以…开始,从…开始;以…开始;开始于…begin doing sth───开始做某事begin───vt.开始;vi

但是,当begin本身是-ing形式时或后接表心理活动的动词时,则只能接不定式:He began to like poetry when he was a boy.他还是孩子时就开始喜欢诗歌。近义词汇get down to doing sth(to是介词)begin的用法begin的用法:begin作为动词,含义为“开始”、“启动”、“开始存在”、“起初是”,后面可接动词不定式或动名词形式,固定搭配为begin to do sth,be


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