
什么时候用much more,much跟more能一起用吗

much more修饰比较级的用法区别 2023-12-29 09:33 521 墨鱼
much more修饰比较级的用法区别

什么时候用much more,much跟more能一起用吗

2) 用as much A as B及more A than B表示“既……又”和“与其说是A,不如说是B”。It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a sc能够修饰比较级的是much.而more是修饰一个多音节单词,使之成为比较级,例如beautiful 的比较级more beautiful、结果一题目修饰比较级时什么时候用much什么时候用more

一、什么时候用much more比较级

ˇ﹏ˇ Much More同样可以用在定语从句中,表示对某物的描述比先前更具体,更重要。例如:His house is much more beautiful than I expected. 在这里,“much more”用来强调他的房子The patient seems a little livelier/more lively this morning. 这位病人今天早上精神似乎好些了。4)分词形容词的比较等级一律用more和most。eg.I felt m

二、什么时候用much more和much

(2) much用于形容词比较级,但more用于加强语气;例如:This book is much more interesting than that one. (这本书比那本书更有趣) (3) much和many都用于可数名词,但many比mmuch more的用法是什么?much more这个英语词组的后面,可以跟副词、形容词与名词,通常用于修饰之后的单词,表示为“更加”的意思。在这个词组里,more为much的比较级,因此much可

三、什么时候用much more什么时候用more

"Much more"用于表示程度更高的比较中,放在比较级前面,或者放在被比较的两个事物之间。例如:This book is much more interesting than the one I read last weebehaviour can double your business sales. A customer behaviour survey can include anything from what time they prefer to shop, what payment mode the

四、什么时候用much more 什么时候用much

例3:I have heard some bad news which has disturbed me very much. 我听到一些不好的消息,这些消息使我烦躁不安。【相关链接】同义词interrupt意为“打断much more后可接一个不可数名词,如much more milk; much more可以修饰形容词和副词,表示“更加”,如much more expensive 同类的还有far more,even more,still more 等例句:We nee


标签: much跟more能一起用吗



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