
make up的被动用法,make变被动

make up后面接什么 2023-08-30 17:30 536 墨鱼
make up后面接什么

make up的被动用法,make变被动

makeup的用法makeup的⽤法make up的⽤法:1.make up sth for sth;2.make up doing sth。make up的含义有编造、讲和,弥补、偿还等。make up⼏个含义及⽤法(1)编、编造本章节介绍的是短语动词make up,它主要有以下几个用法。一、make up 或make yourself/sb↔up,意为“化妆,上妆”,通常是往脸上涂粉或口红等,使自己在电视等媒体或聚会等场景

>﹏< makeup的用法1、编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词。The teacher asked the students to make up a poem about Christmas.Not having a good excuse, Sally made make up的用法:1.make up sth for sth; 2.make up doing sth。make up的含义有编造、讲和,弥补、偿还等。1make up几个含义及用法(1)编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类

1.make up是动词+副词行短语,意为“组成,形成,占”Ten playersmake up a team. 十个人组成一个队。The workersmake up 40 percent of the population. 工人占人口的40%。2.make make up这个词组在不同的句子中表达了多种不同的意思:构成;组成(常用被动语态:be made up of) The group is made up of students from different countries.这个组织是由不同国家的

?0? make up的用法总结和例句解析如下:1.make up组成;构成不能用于进行时态。Women make up 40% of the population. 妇女占了总人口的40%。The oral test makes up 10% of th当句子是被动结构时,其后应加of。Nine players make up a team. Different qualities make up a person’s character. The audience was made up of very young children. (

⊙△⊙ make up表示“组成”时,常用作被动be made up of。如:Life is made up of little things. [谚]人生是由琐碎的事物构成的。四、make off 该短语常表示“离开;逃走”。如:离开:Af2.make up用法:作不及物动词时,意思是“开始,试图”“行进,趋向”“被做成,被制成”“增长起来”。主动形式常


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