

say可以和with连用吗 2023-12-26 12:22 864 墨鱼


8. She knew who to ask about finding an abortionist. 她知道向谁去打听找一个为人堕胎的。9. Will she say yes when I ask her out? 我约她出去,她会答应吗?10. People don'tllive with + sb. 和某人住He live in China with his parents. 8. know a lot about……知道许多关于……的事He knows a lot about China. 9. say表示说话的内容,speak表示说某

+0+ 你找我可以拨打01815303906。5.You're a great help, I must say! 我得说,你可没少帮忙!6.You're not going about the job in the right way. 你做这事的方法不对。7.There's n248. have the final say 有决定权249. head on 迎面地/正面的250. heart and soul 全心全意地251. hold out for sth. 坚持要求252. hold up 坚持253. hold water 站得住

意思是“我不敢说我对此事十分清楚。”say后要跟所说的内容。tell的固定用法为tell sb about sth,tell a story,tell a lie,tell the truth;而speak则是speak to sb, speak at a mee搭配食用效果更好。根据自己的特点,睡前看,睡醒看,等车看,等饭看,上课看,下课看,总之不断重复

say about( v.+prep. ) say after( v.+prep. ) say against( v.+prep. ) say for( v.+prep. ) say of( v.+prep. ) say on( v.+adv. ) say out( v.+adv. ) say over( v.+adv(2)可以做动词,搭配有lie about sth 关于撒谎;lie to sb,对某人撒谎,骗人。I know he's lying我知道他在说谎。If asked, he lies about his age 有人问起时,他就会谎报

∪0∪ 1.形容词与about搭配的短语be careful about对……小心be sure about对……有把握be certain about对……有把握be worried about对……担忧be anxious ab【搭配】hope to do sth.希望做某事I hope to see you soon. hope+主谓句,希望……I hope you have a good time. I hope so.希望如此。I hope not.我不希望


标签: say的用法总结归纳



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