
change into造句,Therefore造句

call up造句 2023-12-19 17:15 492 墨鱼
call up造句

change into造句,Therefore造句

1、change into Esau's clothes." She said as I pulled them over my shirts.(我刚要换衣服,母亲说:“换上以扫的衣服。”) 2、Never, even among animals, does the creatu类型英语造句1、change into Esau's clothes." She said as I pulled them over my shirts.(我刚要换衣服,母亲说:“换上以扫的衣服。”) 2、Never, even among animals, doe

(=`′=) change into的造句和例句:1. She changed into alarm in another moment .她紧跟着又变得吃惊起来。2. Garbage from food can be changed into fertilizer .食物下脚可以变10、cause a gas or vapor tochange intoa liquid. 11、Restart the application server to put thischange intoeffect. 12、Airborne mercury canchange into

change into 造句网友解答:change into 英[tʃeindʒ ˈɪntuː] 美[tʃendʒ ˈɪntu] [词典] 换上衣服;(使) 变为;[例句]She could change into a differeThe refrigerator changed the glass of water into ice.I changed a 100-yuan note into coins

>ω< I change the dream into reality To integrate change into your life, it must become a part of your daily routine.要让改变融入你的生活,它就必须成为你日单词change into 释义单词释义:换上衣服;使)变为[更多..] 单词造句

changeinto造句简单1. She decided to change into a more comfortable outfit before heading out for the day. 2. The caterpillar will eventually change into a beauti答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报The refrigerator changed the glass of water into ice.I changed a 100-yuan note into coins. 解析看不懂?免费查看


标签: Therefore造句



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