

putoff造句 2023-08-28 16:40 130 墨鱼


sign 信号造句1. 他用手势发出一个"停止" 的sign 信号。2. 驾驶员看到前方的路标上有一个"左转" 的sign 信号。3. 警察手持红旗,在交通路口向车辆发出"停车" 的sign sign造句1. Headaches may be a sign of stress. 头痛可能是紧张的迹象。2. The snow showed no sign of melting. 雪没有一点融化的迹象。3. They gave Lavalle the thumb

sign造句1、Kissinger did not show the least sign of embarrassment.基辛格连脸都没有红一下。2、The zodiac sign Aquarius represents a personality full of life, zeal21、Sign value is the central concept of Baudrillard'ssignculture theory. 22、I'm looking at the small print; I don't want tosignanything that I sho

单词sign in 例句大全,用单词sign in造句:First,sign into your account. 首先,登入你得帐户。This is a sign for staff in ASL. 在美国手语中,这是五线谱的意思All visitsignis的造句和例句:1. Since 2002 the Unda jury has been changed into the SIGNIS jury. 2. It won the SIGNIS award at the 64th San Sebastian Film Festival.内有更多

sign造句复制1、Her popularity clearly shows nosignof waning.(她的受欢迎程度显然没有显示出下降的迹象。2、Thesignread 'No admittance'.(告示牌上写着“禁止入内”单词SIGN 例句大全,用单词SIGN造句:Examination of osteoarthritic joints is remarkable for the absence of inflammatorysigns. 引入注意的是检查骨关节炎性关节时无炎症

≥▂≤ sign 1. 名词[c] (notice) 指示牌a sign saying "No Exit"一块写着“禁止入内”的指示牌2. 名词[c] (also:road sign) 路标3. 名词[c] (gesture) (with hansign-on英语造句,1、Single sign-on is provided through the application server's use of the directory.单点登录功能是由应用服务器使用目录


标签: section造句



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