
come to realize造句,to be honest造句

hope to do造句 2023-09-27 17:29 334 墨鱼
hope to do造句

come to realize造句,to be honest造句

10、I didn'trealizeyou had company. 11、You may notrealizethe scope. 12、Realize the use of Laplacian sharpeningrealize, have the effect of map, we back to came───回到来了双语使用场景And I came to realize that it didn't matter.───然后我开始意识到这没什么大不了的。That's how I came to realize my faul

1、People willcome to realizethe importance of family only when they are over the hill. 2、Some day you willcome to realizethe importance of saving Today,however,IhavecometorealizethatIdid notmerelyfallintomedicine-- I fellin lovewiththeprofessiononmy own accord. 然而今天,我逐渐意识到我不仅仅沉迷于医学--我很

come to realize 双语例句1、I'vecome to realizewhat I said at the meeting was off beam. 我已经了解到我在会议中所讲的话是错误的. 《简明英汉词典》2realize英语造句,1、An effort or endeavor to realize an aim奋斗为达到目标而作的努力或尝试2、In the normal fluctuation range of voltage

>^< He'll come to realize it one day.他总有一天会懂得这一点.Let's see the pandas with our eyes.让我们亲眼去看看熊猫.1. I didn't realize how heavy that shopping was going to be. 我没想到买的东西会有多沉。2. The Emperor must realize that he has us at his mercy. 皇帝必须意识到我们任由


标签: to be honest造句



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