
my room用there be句型5句话,be动词有哪些

用there be句型介绍自己的房间5句 2023-08-26 19:27 548 墨鱼
用there be句型介绍自己的房间5句

my room用there be句型5句话,be动词有哪些

翻译:客厅里有个沙发。我房间右边有个桌子。桌子上面有些书。左侧有张床。窗户上有些花。There be 句型用法There 1、There is a bed near the door.门旁边是一张床。2、There is a desk and a bookcase near the window.窗户旁边是

重要句型There be + 介词词组(on,next to,behind,over,under等) It’s Theis on the I have my own room. 我有自己的房间。It’s small but nice. 房间虽小但是温馨漂34、必须背诵的There be句型:(1) There is no immediate solution to the problem . 对于这个问题没有立即的解决的方案。2) There is no denying that + S

1、Mycoatandmymubrellaplea:侧重讲要取回自己东西时,可使用“plea”的句型。其中,省略号部分为要取回的东西,plea前可以加上逗号。2、Hereisyour:意为“这是您的”。“There be句型46. He isn’t as tall as his brother. 他和他的哥哥不一样高。主系表47. I have a new sweater. 我有一件新运动衣。主谓宾48. It is importa

英文:This is my room There's homework pencil Paper products do have a pair of There are clay figurinemy bed room I have a bed room,and I love it very much.Now I want to tell you somethings about my room. There is a big bed next the door,and there are many clothes

2.T: Can you say the differences(不同点) between “there is”and “there are”?干预活动1: There be 句型:分单数There is …和复数There are…两种,不可数名词统一用There 用there be句型写my room作文I have a beautiful bedroom.There are many things in my bedroom. There are blue wall,yellow floor and two windows in my bedroom.There i


标签: be动词有哪些



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