放心安心的书面表达 放心: 1、心绪安定,没有忧虑和牵挂。 2、指没有焦虑或无危险之虞。 安心: 1、放心。 2、心情安定。 安心:安心是形容词,可以说安心地复习,安心地工作却不...
09-30 875
用scientific造句 |
recycle英语造句,1、We can recycle some of our rubbish.我们可以回收一些垃圾。2、He decided to recycle cans.于是他决定回收易拉罐熔炼。3、They recrecycle造句复制1、If we try our best torecyclethe wastes, we can reduce pollution and conserve natural resources.(如果我们尽力回收废物,我们可以减少污染,保护自然
˙ω˙ 用作名词(n.) Water recycle is a good way to save our resources. 水循环利用是一种很好的节约资源的方法。Created with Highcharts 3.0.2词性常用度分布图海词统计动词recycle造句如下:Given the thesis about recycling, then, we have reason to believe the soul will continue to
英文例句大全为您提供recycle英文例句大全,词语recycle造句,关于recycle的句子,recycle怎么造句,recycle英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于recycle,recycle的句子,recycle如recycle 网络解释1. 重复利用:反映origanlity与沿用many years的东西的对比,对创新和试验抵触(averse)所以重复利用(recycle)老演员. recycle 双语例句1. Gallium recovery
⊙ω⊙ recycle造句We should recycle as much as possible to reduce waste and preserve the environment. Recycling paper, plastic and glass can save energy and natural resrecycle 造句/ 例句1. The objective would be torecycle98 percent of domestic waste. 该目标是循环使用98%的生活垃圾。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. We canrecycleplas
It's difficult to seerecyclein a sentence. 用recycle造句挺难的En outre, la missionrecyclele papier, le métal et le verre. WD3 MOUVEMENTRECYCLE- CYCLE DE PAYE PA1、recyclealuminum cans;recycleold jokes. 2、You're startingtorecyclethem. 3、Introduced into the U.S. in 1804, it Began to be farmed widely as a l
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标签: 用contribution造句
放心安心的书面表达 放心: 1、心绪安定,没有忧虑和牵挂。 2、指没有焦虑或无危险之虞。 安心: 1、放心。 2、心情安定。 安心:安心是形容词,可以说安心地复习,安心地工作却不...
09-30 875
09-30 875
09-30 875
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09-30 875