

yourself造句 2023-09-24 16:45 341 墨鱼


wet[wet] 重复播放adj. 湿的,潮湿的,有雨的,多雨的vt. 弄湿英文解释名词:1. wetness caused by water; 例子"drops of wet gleamed on the window" 动词:2. causewet 英[wet] 美[wet]adj. 湿的;下雨的;懦弱的;(儿童)尿湿尿布的;n. 湿地;液体;窝囊废;雨天;vt. 使潮

At the sight of you , I find that your clothes are wet,however ,your hair is dry,which makes me extremely confused.wet 1.The crowds packed into the cinema on awetday. 一大群人在雨天挤进了电影院。2.Do towel the children down very thoroughly, they'rewetto the skin and might cat

1、swingingwetmasher 2、She waswet, however. 3、wetcured polyurethane paint 4、soaking; drippingwet 5、the dry [wet] monsoon 6、Warp and weftwetwetawet造句1、She hung up her wet clothes in order to dry them out.她把她的湿衣服挂起来,以便晾干。2、So I took my umbrella, which I always do, wet or fine.所以,我带

1. He is all wet. 他完全搞错了。2. Don't go out, you'll get wet. 千万别出门,否则将会淋透。3. Wet weather is a feature of life here in June and July. 六月和七月wet造句"wet"是什么意思He was tired out andwetthrough . 他已疲惫不堪,浑身上下全已湿透。Deep slush underfoot made her shoeswet. 脚下很深的雪水弄湿了她的鞋。I co

单词wet 例句大全,用单词wet造句:I am gettingwet! 我正挨雨淋!wetketone accumulator. 湿酮收集器Because I am gettingwet. 因为我正挨雨淋。You are allwet, actuallywet英文造句The paper has wrinkled where it got wet. 这张纸湿的地方起皱褶了。You will get wet if you go out without an umbrella. 你出门不带伞会被淋湿的。dirty cold wet near的反义词


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