

优途vp加速器下载 2023-09-27 13:43 128 墨鱼


It's very noisy in this office. 这间办公室里非常吵。详细解释:nois.yadj.(形容词)nois.i.er,nois.i.est Making noise:发出吵声:例句:a small, noisy dog.一只小的、吵闹On our first date he took me to a noisy nightclub, whereas my Mr Right would have taken me for a romantic candlelit dinner. 第一次约会,他带我去了一个喧闹的夜店,然

╯^╰〉 He lived in an old house. 从前,有一位老人(old man)。他住在一所旧房子(house)里。This house is too noisy,"said the old man. The door creaked. The floor squeaked.Q:It's sonoisyhere. 和It's so loud here. 的差別在哪裡?A:Both of them express an act of a lot of sound. There's not a significant difference between them. Only v

˙^˙ 这里为大家介绍下noisy 是什么意思,希望能帮助到各位朋友。音标: "nɔizi ] 中英文翻译adj. (noisier; -iest) 1.(人、地方等)嘈杂的,喧闹的;街道)熙熙攘攘的。2.(颜色、1、词性方面。noise 是名词,noisy 是形容词。2、用法方面。noise作主语、宾语,而noisy作定语、表语。3、noise n

An experience-based greedy and transfer learning strategies with CNN can accelerate genetic algorithm to obtain a clean image [122]. Noisy image and noise level m英文noisy的用法是很重要的,我们要知道它的中文意思。下面是差异网整理的3篇《英文noisy是什么中文意思》在大家参考的同时,也可以分享一下差异网给您的好友哦

noisychildren/traffic/crowds 吵闹的孩子;喧闹的交通;嘈杂的人群牛津词典anoisyprotest (= when people shout) 吵吵嚷嚷的抗议声牛津词典The engine is verynoisyat hignoisy /ˈnɔɪzɪ/ adj. 喧闹的;有噪音的typewriter /'taɪpraɪtɚ/ n. 打字机bother /'bɑðɚ/ v. 打扰by chance 偶然;意外地next door adv. 隔壁


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