

用do和does造句 2023-09-30 21:26 299 墨鱼


2.This sentence does not seem to connect with the context. 这个句子似乎与上下文脱节。connect to和connect with的区别?connect to和connect with的区别为:一、指代不同1does造句1、Does need deal with levy to import reexport first?需要先办理征税进口再出口?2、Unlike an LCD's, this image does not require backlighting.与液晶显示屏(L

does造句1、Yes, itdoes. Itdoesbother you. 2、Does Mike jump high? Yes, hedoes. 3、Topicdoesnot matter practicedoes! 4、Itdoesvisual searches. 5、Ho1、doesdo的第三人称单数现在时形式;2、conj.做,有用,工作v.做( do的第三人称单数); 干;学习;研究n.雌鹿(或雌兔、雌羚羊等)( doe的名词复数) 3、1)The charity does

does造句复制1、Wheredoesthis road go?(这条路通到哪里? 2、What timedoesthe bank close?(那家银行什么时候关门? 3、Whatdoesthis sentence mean?(这个句子是什么意思?make怎么造句简单let/make sb do sth 例句:Let/Make him get his own cup of tea. 让他自己去倒茶。make作动词意思有做;制造;使得;赚(钱);成功;达成。作名词意思有性格;式样;制造;

╯^╰〉 优秀的关于春天的英语句子A single flower does not make a spring.一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。A year's plan starts with spring.一年之计在于春。SowThe report is incomplete it does not include sales in France,for example.

playsports造句简单点,playsports造句简单点playsports造句简单点篇一:八年级上册un‎‎it 1 Play Sports unit 1 Playing Sports 【考点‎‎解析】Topic 1用does造句1. Does she like to read books? 2. Does he play basketball every day? 3. Does the cat sleep on the couch? 4. Does the sun rise in the east? 5. Does you


标签: 用did造句简单



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