
用come up with造句,用work out造句

Come up造句 2023-12-10 13:13 214 墨鱼
Come up造句

用come up with造句,用work out造句

come up with造句复制1、Evarts, a 20-year-old inventor, hascome up witha novel solution that could easily put texting drivers on notice.(20岁的发明家埃瓦茨想出的初中英语最重要的100个固定短语及造句1.agree with 同意……的意见(想法);符合I can’t agree with you about that.就那件事,我⽆法同意你的看法。2.1isten to倾听……

?▽? If I cancome up witha bit more money, I'll be able to buy a new car. 再搭上点钱,我就能买辆新汽车。who knows what we'll be able tocome up with. 谁知道我能想出什么。1、They always come up with some contrivance to raise prices.他们总是想出一些诡计来提价。2、Keep your eye on these jokers, you never know what they will

解答一举报He couldn't come up with an answer.他答不上来.He couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.那时他想不出一个合适的答案9、A lot of what wecome up withat NASA ends up being very engineered. 10、The allies are trying tocome up witha consensus on dealing with Mr.Gorbach

come up 上升,升起例句It'll be warmer once the sun comes up.一旦太阳升起,就会暖和一点了come up with 编辑 come up with 想出;提出;例句How can you come up with sconnect with造句一. off短语cut off 切断keep off 让开,不接近set off 动身show off 炫耀turn off 关掉(水龙头,电视) see sb. off 为某人送行二. with短语agree wit


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