
仿造翻译,仿生 英语

仿译法是什么 2024-01-03 11:03 223 墨鱼

仿造翻译,仿生 英语

仿造[fang zao,] 英语字典:仿(fang,)造(zao,) “仿造”的英语翻译词典解释fang zao 1.to copy; to imitate; to make sth. from a model; to make sth. after the fashion翻译CN 仿造[fǎnɡ zào]{动词} volume_up 仿造(又作:仿制,仿效,伪造,模仿,仿照,像) volume_up imitate{动} 仿造(又作:使,复制,使在脑海中重现,再生,生殖,繁殖,翻版) vo

仿造,模仿:model on 仿造的:bogus; counterfeit 仿造皮:rexine 下载手机词典可随时随地查词查翻译关注微信公众号:chachacidian,回复:仿造,即可在微信中查询翻译例句翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部v. (Trad=倣造,Pinyin=fang3 zao4) copy, reproduce n. (Trad=倣造,Pinyin=fang3 zao4) reproduction v. (Trad=仿造,Pinyin=f

仿品imitation 正品是指某个品牌原创出产的产品,而对应的词汇就是“假货”“产品”。完全符合质量标准的产品。正品翻译包括仿译仿译仿译(词),英语的对应词为calque,该词源自法语。在法语中,calque的原义是“用透明纸描的图”,转义为“模仿”、“仿造语”用作翻译术语时,意思是

仿造[fǎng zào] 仿造的用法和样例:例句仿玳瑁模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell. 伪造是仿造真文件以便在侵害翻译推荐仿造的imitated 仿造counterfei 仿造产品counterfei 仿造者imitator 仿造物imitation 仿造皮rexine 仿造外国机器copying 仿造黄晶false 仿造品postiche 仿造铂合金imitation

仿造[fǎng zào] 释义copy 复制品;一本;原稿;消息;作业本;新闻素材;be modelled on 仿造;counterfeit 仿造,假冒;fake 假的;伪造的;点击人工翻译,了解更多人工释义实英语词典仿造/ fang zao / fang zao 1.to copy; to imitate; to make sth. from a model; to make sth. after the fashion of; to counterfeit; to pattern on (or after


标签: 仿生 英语



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