

P造句简单 2023-12-02 17:20 543 墨鱼


主页>造句>英语造句> bat造句,bat例句1、It's his turn tobat、轮到他击球。2、Hebatted the ball into the left field、他把球打到左外野。3、He is an excellentbatYou don't have the bat, do you?你没拿到球棒,是吗?Bring your bat so we can play ball.带上你的球拍,我们好打球。

类型英语造句1、He put his hoop away, and hisbat; there was no joy in them any more.(他收起铁环和球棒;这些不再能给他带去快乐了。2、The many rainforestbat species1、Vampirebat?" Lionel shivered. 2、Kid, grab thebat! 3、Table tennisbat 4、There's a fatbat! 5、Abatecholocates the direction. 6、A badminton rack

单词bat 例句大全,用单词bat造句:batan eye. 眨一下眼睛times atBat. 上场击球次数Your name isBat? 你叫芭特Give me thebat!Please! 把球棒给我,求你了!She has a basebat的相关例句:11.I swung thebatat the ball. 我挥拍击球。12.Hisbatjust tipped the ball. 他地球棒仅仅擦到球。13.The boy traded his knife for a cricketbat. 那男孩

词语bat造句,用bat造句:01 在概要设计后的生产设计中,它的代号是“Batman”。02 Ibata说:“含有这些枝蔓的空间可能是星系形成的重要因素。”03 thisbattle, I kill the enbat造句简单bat造句:1、But they did not trust the bat at all. 但他们一点都不信任蝙蝠了。2、From then on the bat always comes out at night. 自那时起蝙蝠总是在夜


标签: do怎么造句



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