
like doing sth.的例句,in order to

important 2023-12-11 12:34 583 墨鱼

like doing sth.的例句,in order to

我喜欢在周日和朋友们去游泳。(表达一种习惯)2、like doing sth 喜欢做某事(侧重表达通常喜欢做的事,如爱好。)如:I like swimming.我喜欢游泳。(表达一种爱I like working I like going shopping.I like buyying a bog.I like washing shoes.I like cleaning room.Do you like doing sports ? What do you like do

10.I like doing business with people who get right to the nitty-gritty.我喜欢跟那种直截了当,一针见血的人做生意.11.I like doing business with that ne例如:I like to swim with you today.今天我喜欢和你一起去游泳。3.like doing sth. 意为"(经常或习惯地)喜欢做某事"。例如:He likes singing.他喜欢唱歌。4.like sb. to

ˋ0ˊ 例句1:I feel like going to the movies with you this weekend. 译文1:这个周末我想和你一起去看电影。例句2:He feels like having a try. 译文2:他想要试一试。4、put off doin5. like to do sth.喜欢做某事(表示“一次性的具体的行为”) like doing sth. 喜欢做某事(表示“经常性的,反复发生的动作”,已经形成习惯) like sb. to do st

1、like to do sth:表示有个趋向性,好像是要到某处去做某事。2、like doing sth:表示长时间的喜欢做某事,指兴趣爱好。like to do和like doing的用法和例句11.like to do sth 用法:like to do sth 想去做某事,表示有个趋向性,好像是要到某处去做某事,指某个具体的动作,表示偶尔一次喜欢做某事、或者突然喜欢干某事。例句:Success l

1. want to do sth. 想要做某事I want to buy a new computer this afternoon. 我想今天下午买台新电脑。2. would like to do sth. 想要做某事I would like to invite you to co2.like to do sth. 意为"(偶尔或具体地)喜欢做某事".例如:I like to swim with you today.今天我喜欢和你一起去游泳. 3.like doing sth. 意为"(经常或习惯地)喜欢做某事".例如:


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