
an arms,arms是啥

arms翻译 2024-01-03 11:07 775 墨鱼

an arms,arms是啥

An unlimited arms race may well increase the danger of war. 无限度的武器竞赛当然会增加战争的危险性。Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。The general told tThe rebels now have thousands of people under arms. 叛乱分子已经纠集了几千人,荷枪实弹,随时备战。3.An arm and a leg 很多钱财Arm相关短语最难理解短语

arms [ɑ:mz] n.武器,手臂名词arm的复数形式例句与用法:She held her baby tight in herarms. 她紧紧地搂着她的孩子。An unlimitedarmsrace may well increase the dang网络释义1. A臂上竞有限公司Shang Jing Plastic Model 6. 二段变速器( 2-speed transmission) 1.A臂(A-arm) 4. I臂( I-arm) sjhobby.tw|基于4个网页

1、Arms的意思是兵器;武装。2、语法:作为名词指兵器,武器;作为动词指武装,装备。3、原型:arm的第三人称单数和复数。4、示例:The United Nations imposed an arms embargo 18) AI Arms Race: An arms race in lethal autonomous weapons should be avoided. 人工智能军备竞赛:致命的自动化武器的装备竞赛应该被避免。Longer-term

⊙﹏⊙ [attrib 作定语] an arms depot 军火库. 2 =coat of arms (coat). 3 (idm 习语) bear arms => bear2. brothers in arms => brother. ground arms => ground2. take up arms (Please explain “arms race”in “the arms race between forest trees struggling to reach the light.”My comments: This is a good question because when we talk about an


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