
knock down造句,adhere to造句

have to造句简单 2023-09-30 14:53 122 墨鱼
have to造句简单

knock down造句,adhere to造句

8、There was no answer, but the wind was roaring, as if toknock downthe house and knock me down. 9、To cheapen a price; to beat down a price; toknock23、Shelly:Knock! Come on,knock! I won't let you in even though youknockthe door for the whole night. 24、There was no answer, but the wind was roar

ˇ△ˇ 1. She couldn't sell them even at theknock-downprice. 即使她把价钱压到最低,仍然没有办法把它们卖掉。youdao 2. His carnivores get all their meat and poultry atknocStrong enough to knock down or overwhelm. 足够强大的,击倒或压倒一切的。A growing puppy will often knock down a toddler in play. 一只成长中的拉拉常常会在跟幼童玩

1.knock to the floor or ground击倒;击败He knocked his opponent down.他击败了对手。With one blow he knocked his assailant down.他一拳就把袭击他的人打倒在地。2.strike A. “增长”或“下降”可以直接简单用up或down表示:Gree's annual report for 2009 shows revenues

knock you down 有两种意思The song by Michael Jackson will knock you down 迈克尔杰克逊的歌会震撼你。He is the only boxer who can knock you down.他是唯to knock down a building or part of a building means to demolish it. examples 1. why doesn't he just knock the wall down? 他为何不干脆把墙推倒?2

8、She won that case Because her lawyer made aknock-downargument. 她的官司打赢了,因为她的律师为她作了强有力的辩护。knock-down翻译a. 击倒的,可拆开的,最低的nknock down造句看见没,我用我的功夫把墙都撞倒了。要是我们把这堵隔墙推倒,就会有更大的空间。3、Re goiHale Waihona Puke Baidug to knock down those old buildings soon


标签: adhere to造句



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