
keep up with造句,keep pace with造句

Account for造句 2023-12-24 20:21 804 墨鱼
Account for造句

keep up with造句,keep pace with造句

1、keep pace with;keep up with 2、He can'tkeep up withthe brain. 3、We have tokeep up withChelsea. 4、I can'tkeep up withyou, frankly. 5、Jack was hkeep up with造句合集keep in touch with造句keep in touch with 造句1、to keep in touch with friends 与朋友保持联系2、I can keep in touch with everyone through F

keep up with造句1. 跟上,不落在…后面:Hurry up, or you won't keep up with them.快点,否则你爱改重论文降重_一键降重至5%_一键过学校查重系统采用词性处keep up with造句复制1、She did not bother tokeep up withthe news.(她不愿操心去了解新闻。2、Penny tended to work through her lunch hour in an effort tokeep up

keep up with somebody的造句和例句:1. It's a big test to keep up with somebody operating in the Bahamas who's sneaking things into the United States ."内有更多更解析He studies hard to keep up with his classmates. 他努力学习,为的是跟上他的同学. 分析总结。他努力学习为的是跟上他的同学结果一题目以keep up with 造句答案He

单词keep up with 例句大全,用单词keep up with造句:Keep up withcurrent events 对时事消息灵通tokeep up withdemand/ inflation 跟上需求/ 通货膨胀to keep up-to-date 1.跟上,不落在…后面:Hurry up,or you won't keep up with them.快点,否则你就赶不上他们了。Jane could't keep up with the rest of the class.简跟不上班里的


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