

get on/along well with... 2023-12-20 14:47 297 墨鱼
get on/along well with...


8、【get】相关短语get accustomed to习惯于get across度过、说服、使理解get ahead of胜过、超过get along with与……相处get down to (sth./doing)开始认真考虑get off送走;6. get away 逃跑,离开get away with 做了坏事而未受到惩罚7. get down 心情低落8. get off 脱下9. get over 克服,解决问题,恢复#get相关短语#英语学习#英语笔记整理2021-11

>^< 英语老师朱朱关注初中动词短语~get #初中英语怎么学2021-08-13 共1 条评论登录查看更多评论get over (1)get over sth 解决,克服You must learn toget overyour shyness.你必须学会克服羞怯心理。2)get sth over 完成,结束I’m glad togetthe examover.我很高兴考试结束了

14、Get going开始,出发,着手15、Get to know someone 认识某人16、Get it? 明白了吗?17、Get the door应门18、Get along with someone 与……相处19、Get by 通过,过得3. get around to有时间做例句:I`ll get around to it. 我会找时间做get off 1. 起飞例句:The plane has got off when I arrived at the airport. 当我到达机场的时候,飞机已经

由get组成的常见短语:1)get down下来2)get into 进入;陷入;养成(习惯);对……感兴趣3)get up 起身;站起4)get back 返回,回去,回家5)get to 到达6)get about 四处走动;Try to get somesleep.尽量睡会儿吧。He has just got a new job.他刚找到一份新工作。VNN]


标签: get的用法和常见搭配



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