
a lot for,be surprised at

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a lot for,be surprised at

alotfor和alotof的区别是:1、alotof表示许多,等于many、lotsof,既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。2、alotfor可修饰可数或不可数名词,意为许多大量的,相当于for 是介词,后面接名词或动名词。这个很简单a lot 是指一种程度,意思相当于very much a lot of 是多的意思,相当于lots 例句:Thanks a lot for your books. Tha′nks a lo

thanks a lat───谢谢你,拉特双语使用场景Thanks a lot for your help!───多谢你们的帮助!Anyway, thanks a lot for your help, and have a nice day.───无论如- She goes shopping a lot on weekends. (她周末经常去购物) - They travel a lot for work. (他们因工作需要经常旅行) 2.表示非常"a lot"也可以表达某事物程度上的强调和

Every Letter Is Silent, Sometimes: A-Z List of Examples Popular in Wordplay See All 17 of the Finest Words for Drinking Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless WoAnd just for fun, here is an example of both terms being used in the same sentence: Remember to allot a lot of time to finding parking in the public lot. When should yo

区别是:a lot of指的是诸多;许多的。a lot for指的是对于有很多。例句:a lot of 1、I have lost a lot of weight.我体重减了不少。2、I am spending a lot ofa lot of 美英det.许多同义词反义词adj. many,lots of,numerous,loads of,countless pron. no end of,a great deal of,very much,plenty of 英汉det. 1. 许多un. 1.


标签: be surprised at



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