

spend time 的短语 2023-08-27 17:25 917 墨鱼
spend time 的短语


cost:物作主语,花费金钱句型:sth cost(sb)money 解题思路👇 👋主语是人spend和pay,spend花费时间和金钱,pay只花时间,介词不一样,spend on sth ,pay for sth 👋主语是物cost接下来小编为大家整理了spend的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!spend的短语:spend up(v.+adv.) 把钱花光have no money left I can't afford a ticket,I'm spent up.我把钱花光

1. Spend time:意为“花费时间”,例如“I spent all day yesterday reading a book.”(我昨天一整天都在读书。2. Spend money:意为“花费金钱”,例如“I spenspend的短语搭配spend oneself 精疲力竭,耗尽精力  spend time 花时间,消磨时间spend money 花钱,破费spend on 在…方面花费spend money on 花多少钱买某

1、sb spend some time/some money on sth 某人在某物上花费多少时间/金钱例如:l spent 120 yuan on this skirt.我花费120元买这条裙子。He spends a lot of money on books every 花费,花(钱);花(时间);度过(动词)How much money do you spend each month?你每月花多少钱?He spent too much money on horse racing.他花在赛马上的太多了。I went to spend a

spend oneself精疲力竭,耗尽精力;spend time花时间;消磨时间;spend money花钱;破费;spend on在…方面花费;spend money on花多少钱买某物;spend time doing花费时间做……扩展资料s1、It takes sb+ 一段时间+ to do sth 2、sb spend + 时间或金钱+ on sth/(in) doing sth 词汇解析:1、take 英文


标签: influence的短语



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