

用一般将来时写一段话 2023-12-24 12:40 941 墨鱼


˙^˙ 56、Ill(shall/will)do a better job next time.下次我要干得好。57、She will have a wonderful vacation.她将度过一个美好的假期。58、He is going to play1、一般将来时例句100句一般将来时例句100句一般将来时例句(一):1、There will be a bad news for you。将有一个坏消息给你。2、There will be a delicious supper for us 。我们

九、表示客观性很强的将来Today is Friday, so tomorrow is Saturday. 今天是星期五,所以明天是星期六。My birthday is on a Sunday this year. 我今年的生日在星期天。有时说话者一般将来时例句(一): 1、There will be a bad news for you。将有一个坏消息给你。2、There will be a delicious supper for us 。我们将有一顿美味的晚餐。3、There will

英语一般将来时态的例句1.There will be a concert tomorrow. 明天将有一场演唱会. 2.There is going to have a English test next Monday. 下周一将有一次英语测验. 3.There will 一、一般现在时1.一般现在时表示经常发生、习惯性动作、客观真理、科学事实、格言,目前的特征、状态、能力等。2.主句是一般将来时,时间、条件状语从句中用一

✅1.cause-effect :__ lead to / bring about / result in/ account for __ (一个句子/shared the same tendency), therefore / thus / hence / as a result /例句:Sit down everyone。The film’s about to start。大家坐下,电影立刻开始。I met her in the doorway just as she was about to go away。她正要离开时,我门口遇见了

一般将来时的句子(一):1、我明天要去上学。I will go yo school tomorrow。2、明天谁将要来那里?Who will e here tomorrow? 3、下周会发生什么?What wil篇一:般将来时例句篇一一、用will或shall表示1。Tomorrow will be Sunday。明天就是星期天。2。The rain will stop soon。雨很快就要停了。用be goi


标签: 一般现在时表将来例句



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