
the diversity of,a glimpse of

athe 2023-09-24 15:43 975 墨鱼

the diversity of,a glimpse of

你好是后者a diversity of:多种多样的,很多的With such【a diversity 】of products and operating companies, Johnson & Johnson’soverall business has How scientists came to explain the diversity of life on earth. 第3集:展开全部) 科学的故事:权力、证据与激情的演职员· ···(全部3) 纳特·沙曼导演迈克尔·莫斯利自

the diversity of the world 英美世界多样性分享单词到:Theirresultswereclear:inregionswith agreatervarietyofinfectiousparasites,thediversityofreligionsalsotendstobegreater. 其结果是明确的:在传染性寄生虫种类繁多的区域,

?﹏? 网络释义1. 文明的多样性《高级口译教程》三以强凌弱的霸权主义bully the weak and pursue hegemony文明的多样性the diversity of civilizations bbs.kaoyan.cthe number and diversity 和the number and the diversity 是不一样的,前者指数量和多样性是合在一起的用is,后者的数量和多样性是分开各自,主语变成并列主语

⊙△⊙ diversity词典解释1. 多样性;多样化;多元性The diversity of something is the fact that it contains many very different elements. e.g. the culturalIt's more about allowing myself to embrace all of the possible permutations of myself and cultivating diversity within me and not just around me. My boys now are three

Paragraph 1:Southeast Asia has a unique abundance and diversity of gliding animals: flying squirrels, flying frogs, and flying lizards with wings of1)the diversity of civilizations文明多样性英文短句/例句1."First, it is essential to uphold diversity of the world and respect diversity of civilization."第一,应


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