
my classroom教案,myclassroom第六课时教学反思

my classroom是几年级的英语 2023-11-30 18:55 866 墨鱼
my classroom是几年级的英语

my classroom教案,myclassroom第六课时教学反思

Unit 1My classroom Part B:Read and write & Let's check & Let's sing window, desk, chair, floor, wall, door Where is the…It's in/on/under/near the…教学反思四年级英语上册《Unit1Myclassroom》优质教案篇1 教学重点:学习This is my classroom The wall is white. The floor is green…学习单词computer, teacher’

本课时在学生学习了classroom, window, door等教室里的陈设或物品词汇之后,继续跟着Zoom和Zip学习与教室相关的名词:teacher’s desk, computer, fan, wall, flo英语教案-my classroom Unit 1 my classroom 第一课时Part A Let’s learn & Let’s so l AIMS 1. Follow teacher’s orders , point to the things in the classroom 2. Can say

课题UnitMyclassroom课时教学目标能够听、说、认读本课时主要单词:classroom、window、door、picture、light、blackboard。听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动T: Theyare in the classroom. Todaywe are into a new unit, Unit 6 My classroom.(出示词卡classroom,结合ppt图片一起认读,然后板书课题Unit 6 My classroo

(2)能够理解并运用描述教室的句子:We have a new classroom. Let’s go and have a look . We have 6 new lights.It’s near the door.学习用near表示方位。Unit 1 My classroomWe have a new classroom.What’s in the classroom?Let’s go and see!It's near the window.《My Classroom》教案(二)教学目标1.要求学

一、动主题(The theme)Myclassroom 二、活动内容(The contents)niceclean 三、活动目标(The objectives)1.学生通过”My classroom”的主题活动,使学生初步了解篇1:《MyClassroom》教学反思教学反思对于教师来说是一种有益的思维活动和再学习活动,是教师成长的必要条件和有效途径,为教师的成长提供了可能和内在动力,有助于教师提升教学经验,


标签: myclassroom第六课时教学反思



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