
among them are,among后面跟什么

among which的用法 2023-12-16 10:32 327 墨鱼
among which的用法

among them are,among后面跟什么

the first among equals 居首位的人there's honour among thieves 盗亦有道cause a flutter among the dovecotes 惊扰原本平静(或思想守旧)的人们among them 在…它们之间;从它He was among the last to leave. 他是最后离开者之一She was the eldest among them. 她是他们当中年纪最大的Innocent civilians were among the casualties. 死伤者中有无辜平

最后的词women 是复数,你还能用单数吗?用are" They say Shang Chung - li and Chao Po - tao areamong them, " “听说有尚仲礼和赵伯韬. ”子夜部分Among them, candles burned serenely like altar fires. 蜡烛在

用are.among表示在三个以上的群体中,当然后面用名词复数.一个名词如果表示一个或一样东西,它取单数形式,如pen,dog,tree,fact,church,kiss.如果表示两个或7. cause a flutter among the dovecotes 惊扰原本平静(或思想守旧)的人们8. among them 在…它们之间;从它们中9. among other things 除了其它方面;除了别的以外;此外10. rank

ˇ△ˇ He was sitting among a group of children, telling them a story. among的用法总结among 的用法总结among,又称为“四字连接词”,是世界上最常用的一种虚词,它经常用来连the first among equals 居首位的人there's honour among thieves 盗亦有道cause a flutter among the dovecotes 惊扰原本平静(或思想守旧)的人们among them 在…它们之间;从它

1、这个句子是个倒装句:全倒装Among them 状语提前,主语在最后:在英语里面属于全倒装.2、many :这里理解为代词,指很多人;许多人3、many其后有定语从句,many网络数内网络释义1. 数内数字的解释---在线新华字典数目〖number;amount〗数内〖amongthem〗数术〖divination〗xh.5156edu|基于14个网页例句释义:全


标签: among后面跟什么



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