
both have,both后面加are吗

because both 2023-09-25 10:48 808 墨鱼
because both

both have,both后面加are吗

Li Ping and Li Ming __ black hair.A,has B,both has C,both have Tom and Bill___ a toy car.A.each have B.each has C.both has D.all have 正确答案是什么both have you发音意思翻译两个人都有你相似词语短语you both───你们两个we have both───我们两个都有you both of───你们俩both of you───你们两个bo

⊙^⊙ 网络我们一直在照顾你网络释义1. 我们一直在照顾你听美剧学英语老友记第一季11 We both have.我们一直在照顾你-I read to you. -I sang. - 我念书给你听-我唱歌给既有又有在英语中的翻译是"both have",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到42个与既有又有相关的短语释义和例句。英语翻译1. both have 既有又有翻译为both have。示例:汽车引

●▽● 二、代词both作“两人”、“两者”解:1.Bothe (of them)have been to Beijing.(主语)他们两人都去过北京。2.There are two English books on the table. He wants to read both的用法例句:1. The vehicle that permitted both communication and acceptability was social revolution. 既能实现交流又能被广为接受的手段就是社会革命。2. They h

both 有用法,放在动词BE,助动词,情态动词之后,实义动词之前.如We are both students.They both have English books .注:没有both are , have both 这种说法.如果we look different.We both have black eyes and black hair.She is taller than me, and she is quieter.She does things very carefully.I am more outing, and I am funnier.We b


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