

apieceof造句 2023-09-19 16:13 472 墨鱼


48.sell out 卖完He decided to sell out all the clothes in his shop cheaply. 他决定便宜卖掉店里的所有服装。49.take pleasure in 从……中所获得乐趣Mary takes pleasure isell out造句复制1、However, after the Nasdaq slid lower and lower each day over the next two years, they began tosell out.(然而在接下来的两年里纳斯达克一天天下

⊙﹏⊙‖∣° 也就是说,你目前的高考分数甚至还达不到某些国家的最低要求)。It's difficult to see outsell in a sentence. 用outsell造句挺难的Japan ' s carmakers fared rather better : toyota outsold ford for the first time , putting it in

Sellout 是一个英文单词,它的意思是“售罄”、“票售罄”等,常常用来描述某个产品或演出的门票销售情况。这个词通常与商业活动、演唱会、体育比赛等联系在一起复数:sellouts 同义词反义词n. hit,smash hit,smash,bestseller,success 英汉英英网络释义n. 1. 满座的演出;入场券全数销完的一场戏[比赛](等) 2. (商品)售缺,脱销3

单词sell out 例句大全,用单词sell out造句:Get out there and sell more! 出去多卖一点!Otherwise, my shop willsell out. 不然,我就把我的商店出盘。No vegetable that一次国二,三次省一;主持,报道,评审过多次大中型演讲赛事,观摩数百场演讲;曾亲赴伦敦报道IPSC国际

sellout造句1、How come you never took some sellout establishment job?你怎么从来不为钱工作啊?2、Answer: The fans are definitely a plus because we have a sellout c7、It was the secondselloutof the season in this domed stadium, the first since opening day. 8、Some people say Patricia Barber is aselloutbecause s


标签: borderline造句



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