
live造句简单,用on foot造句简单

old怎么简单造句 2024-01-07 10:05 258 墨鱼

live造句简单,用on foot造句简单

Themostimportantthinginlifeisnothowlongyouwilllive,butwhomyouarelivingwith.人生不问长短,但求白首同心之人。Timewillbringasurprise,ifyoubelieve.时间live with造句1、That's an inconvenience many winter depressives canlive with.(这是许多冬季抑郁症患者都能忍受的不便。2、Ilive with my granddad in central London

Happily, the accident was prevented.很幸运,事故得以避免了。They'll live happily ever after.他们从此会幸福地生活在一起。happily是个副词,有快乐地、直播造句【直播zhí bō】1.不经过育苗,直接把种子播种到田地里。2.广播电台或电视台不经过录音﹑录相,从现场直接采播,称直播。相似词:直肠直肚直上直下直来直去播发播放播种

I ve live here since…2. How long have you been doing sth.? I ve been doing sth. for…3. What s the longest time you ve been down? I ve been down live造句复制1、Tell me where youlive.(告诉我你住哪儿? 2、Theyliveon the east coast.(他们住在东海岸。3、Weliveoff Main Street.(我们住在大街附近。4、They've

live造句简单I live in a big house. She likes to live near the beach. They want to live in a peaceful neighborhood. He is happy to live with his family. My grandpa如用“仿佛”造句,“今天冷极了简单,细心的家长应该会发现。3、让他们能够凭借大脑的模糊识别功能,又能制造出新鲜空气。凭着语感去理解句子的意思那么,词语的含义,既然你来到


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