
have it out,was to do

take sb on 2023-12-24 21:44 220 墨鱼
take sb on

have it out,was to do

have it out发音意思翻译一决雌雄;同某人)讲个明白相似词语短语have it───答应;声称;听到消息;找到答案;有利,优越out it───出去吧have outhalf───拿出一havea nightout挖v. 在外玩一晚上在外头玩上一晚上一个晚上不上班haveitoutwith sb.挖v. 与某人决一雌雄haveone's sleepout挖v. 睡足havesth.out挖v. 把某物弄出屋

have it out “have it out”的中文翻译词典解释固定词组ph. 1. 【口】以讨论或打斗解决争执问题After suffering silently, she decided to have it out with her husbanhave it out (同某人)一决雌雄(同某人)讲个明白have out 将…除去have it out with sb. v. 决一雌雄have sth. out v.把某物弄出屋have it out with sb (与某人)斗一

美英v.解决英汉un. 1. 成功2. 和盘托出;把它说出来;畅谈一下;弄一个水落石出v. 1. 解决例句释义:全部,解决the ones that come out of left field, delivering a forceful hook to the head that’s tantalizing and exciting all at once. Those are the ones that make the trip worth it

have it out [口]一决雌雄;同某人)讲个明白have an in 获得当权者的宠爱have back 要回have it out with 摊牌;决雌雄于;have it good [口]过舒适的生活have out 讨论或争论得必应词典为您提供haveitout的释义,v. 解决;网络释义:论理;


标签: was to do



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