以苹果的新款iPad Air5为例,原本大家都以为这代的iPad Air5将会搭载A15芯片,与iPhone13同属一根。没想到苹果接二连三地放出了更强的M1芯片,这样的配置,叫它最强...
06-12 200
spend time in doing造句 |
(ˉ▽ˉ;) 条条关注Spend ➕doing 你记住了吗2020-12-22 共8 条评论登录查看更多评论You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.Write about the following topic:Employers should
I spent twenty minutes writing the composition. 我花了20分钟写这篇作文. Mum spent 120 yuan buying this coat. 妈分析总结。doing造句扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析举报ispendmuchtimeinstudying解析看不懂结果一题目spend…doing造句答案I spend much tim
生命太短暂了,不要花在焦虑上。不定式否定,spend doing ) 25. What pains us trains us. 使我们痛苦的东西在真正锻造我们。主语从句) 26. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronI was tired and my feet were sore, but I was so glad that I had chosen to spend my day doing something I enjoy. I arrived home feeling exhausted but satisfied, kn
1、The best antidote to negativity is simply tospend time doingpositive, uplifting activities. 2、I prefer tospend time doingthings that are worth dI spend some money in buying the book.
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标签: spend的三种固定搭配
以苹果的新款iPad Air5为例,原本大家都以为这代的iPad Air5将会搭载A15芯片,与iPhone13同属一根。没想到苹果接二连三地放出了更强的M1芯片,这样的配置,叫它最强...
06-12 200
相信很多人都听说过“破相”这个词,即指人脸上出现瑕疵、不吉利的斑点或痣。在民间文化中,破相被认为是不祥之兆,是父母阴德不好的表现。 然而,在佛教文化中,却...
06-12 200
06-12 200
06-12 200
pay造句 1、Topayorpayfor beforehand. 2、Stagnantpay, higher productivity. 3、paya tribute to... 4、paylip service to... 5、Ipaythe cashier. 6、Sell ...
06-12 200