

feeling例句 2023-09-24 17:47 262 墨鱼


7、This book will give you a general view of the world war这部书可以使你对于世界大战有一个概括的认识。8、A longer-term result will be the general destruction of general 显示所有例句adj. 涉及全部affecting all 1. 全体的;普遍的;总的affecting all or most people, places or things 通常usual 2. [ubn] 正常的;一般的;常规的normal;

∪▽∪ 13. General Rudnicki was a moral beacon for many exiled Poles. 鲁德尼茨基将军是众多被放逐的波兰人精神上的引路人。14. The medical board would not pageneral造句1.The general public is often unaware of the hidden dangers of the internet, so it's important to take appropriate measures to protect your online sec

1)general[英]['d?enr?l][美]['d??nr?l]一般1.According to ageneralmultipath propagation model of radio communication,this paper presents a stochastic spatio-temporgeneral造句复制1、generalBeale was relieved of his command.(比尔将军被解除了指挥权。2、He rose to the rank ofgeneral.(他升至将级军官。3、My father venerated

ˋ△ˊ 单词general 例句大全,用单词general造句:generalability test 一般能力测验BrigadierGeneralGeneralStaff 总参谋部准将Who Is theGeneralinGeneralGobi. 将军戈壁中的将general 一般的,通用的,将军来自词根gen, 生育,词源同generate. 即同种类的,通用的。引申词义将军。general 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Shanghai car sales are up fo

9、generalpurpose monitor 10、general-purpose plastics 11、Taking the rank ofgeneralin the U.S. Army as an example, it is divided into five-stargene2. I lobbied for women's reproductive rights, in general. 我只是提倡妇女总体的生育权。3. The general opinion is in favour of us. 舆论普遍对我们有利。4. The general he


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